Welcome, and thank you for visiting Pinehouse Drive Seventh-day Adventist Church! We are a culturally diverse community, united by our shared love for Jesus. Though we come from various walks of life and cultures, we celebrate the beauty of our differences while being bound together in faith. As a church, we are committed to spiritual growth, living Christ-like lives, and relying on the guidance of the Spirit of God. Our worship is a harmonious blend of vibrant celebration and sacred reverence, designed to inspire your heart and draw you closer to God.


Our Mission

Anticipating Christ’s return, we exist to reach, relate, revive, and restore all through Christ’s love.


Our Vision

United in purpose of making disciples, putting the love of Christ in every home and every heart.                                    








Pastor Gesklin Etienne



Pastor Waldemar Grenz


About The Pastoral Team Dynamic

Pastor Gesklin Etienne serves as the lead pastor and Pastor Waldemar Grenz as the associate pastor at Pinehouse Drive Seventh-day Adventist Church. Together, they form a pastoral team committed to embracing Jesus Christ as their role model and working in harmony to serve their diverse, multicultural congregation. Both pastors celebrate the richness of cultural diversity while fostering the unity of the body of Christ, recognizing and valuing the unique roles each person plays in fulfilling God’s purpose.


Glyne Thompson

Head Elder

Worship Committee, & Music Ministries





Elder Tegegn Lombamo

  • School Board
  • Children Ministry




 Elder Andrew Clarke

  • Prayer Ministries
  • Audio Visual Ministry
  • Hospitality Ministry




Elder Nyasha Mukura 

  • Sabbath School
  • Prison Ministry




Elder Bertchel Bade

  • In Training
  • Youth Ministry



Elder Elaine Bubnick

  • Health Ministry
  • Deaconess Ministry



Elder Conrod Spence

  • Community Outreach
  • Sunnyside Care Home
  • Family Ministry



Elder Victor Rotaru

  • Maintenance Department
  • Deacon Ministry



Elder Marcel Mutarugera

  • Pathfinders' Club




Coming Soon

  • Adventurer Club
  • Women Ministry



Palmoa Turner

Church Clerk



Marcia Whittaker




Innocent Minega

Communication Director






We, the Pinehouse Pastoral Team, work as one unit to help carry out God's mission. We believe in delegation and empowerment of church leadership to help Pinehouse Drive thrive and grow spiritually and relationally. We believe in the Biblical model of organization found in the book of Exodus 18:17-23  {"17 Moses’ father-in-law replied, “What you are doing is not good. 18 You and these people who come to you will only wear yourselves out. The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone. 19 Listen now to me and I will give you some advice, and may God be with you. You must be the people’s representative before God and bring their disputes to him. 20 Teach them his decrees and instructions, and show them the way they are to live and how they are to behave. 21 But select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. 22 Have them serve as judges for the people at all times, but have them bring every difficult case to you; the simple cases they can decide themselves. That will make your load lighter, because they will share it with you. 23 If you do this and God so commands, you will be able to stand the strain, and all these people will go home satisfied.”}

We are dedicated to help all ministry leaders achieve the highest success possible as they serve the church and the surrounding community. Each pastor will be responsible to provide assistance to the assigned ministry alongside the dedicated Elders for each ministry.


Pastor Etienne is support to

 Pastor Grenz is support to

 Both pastors are support to


  • Deacons
  • Community Outreach Ministry
  • Prison Ministry
  • Adventurers
  • Health Ministry
  • AV Ministry
  • Church Clerk/Membership
  • Community Services
  • Treasury
  • Family Ministry
  • Youth Ministry
  • Deaconesses
  • Pathfinders
  • Sabbath School
  • Children Ministry
  • Hospitality Ministry
  • Maintenance
  • Riverside Christian School
  • Women Ministry
  • Communication
  • Worship Committee  
  • Prayer Ministries
  • Sunnyside Care Home
  • Emergency Preparedness






Cheri Marchuk

Health Ministry Leader



Del Chaya

Youth Ministry Leader



Oren Rotaru

Pathfinders' Club Director



Carolyne Mati

Adventurers' Club Director




Tracey-Ann Stitchell

Sabbath School Coordinator



Dalisizwe Dewa

Prison Ministry Leader



Roxann Clarke

Worship Committee Leader



Ludmilla Dubceac

Music Ministry Leader





Nalikando Nachilobe

Head Deaconess



Coming Soon

Head Deacon



Katherine Marquez

Children's Ministry Coordinator



Coming Soon

Hospitality Ministry




Coming Soon 

Community Outreach Leader



Coming Soon 

Prayer Ministry Leader



Coming Soon

Family Ministry Leader



Coming Soon

ADRA Ambassador


General Facts


The Seventh-day Adventist Church celebrates cultural diversity and unity, striving to enhance the quality of life for people in all communities by upholding the principles of compassion, justice, and hope as outlined in the Bible. Guided by these ideals, we are dedicated to sharing our faith in God and demonstrating a commitment to the holistic betterment of humanity.

As a global Protestant community of faith, we are home to approximately 21 million members worldwide, including over one million across North America. Our doors are open to individuals of all cultural backgrounds, inviting everyone to worship in any of our more than 151,000 congregations across the globe.

Since our establishment in 1863, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has grown into a vibrant, multicultural network with 153,253 congregations worldwide, including 6,257 in the United States and Canada. We operate the second-largest integrated network of educational institutions globally, with 7,792 schools educating 1.8 million students, including 852 schools in North America. Our commitment to holistic care extends to health services, where we manage the largest Protestant network of hospitals and clinics, encompassing 733 healthcare institutions worldwide, with 65 hospitals in the United States and Canada.

Recognized in 2011 as the fastest-growing Christian denomination in North America by USA Today, the Adventist Church is also celebrated as the most racially diverse religious community in the United States, according to the Pew Research Center’s 2014 Religious Landscape Study. Our members reflect a rich tapestry of cultures, comprising 37% white, 32% Black, 15% Hispanic, 8% Asian, and 8% from other or mixed racial backgrounds.

We are united in our mission to serve humanity, celebrating the beauty of our shared diversity and working together to make a positive impact in the world.


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